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Tanzanite stone of the month, Tanzanite, December gemstone

Tanzanite, stone of the month of December, was one of the most fascinating discoveries in the field of mineralogy of the twentieth century.
The gem was found in Tanzania in 1962, from which it takes its name, while the first and only deposit was discovered 5 years later in the Merelani Hills at the foot of Kilimanjaro. 

Tiffany in 1968 launched tanzanite in the field of jewelry making it a much desired and fashionable stone. Since then, the stone has acquired more and more value, even costing more than $ 1500 per carat. 

Tanzanites characterized by a bright and velvety blue have a higher value than the purplish ones. What determines the value of the stone is the saturation whether it is a tanzanite or any other colored gem.

Tanzanite stone of the month, Tanzanite, December gemstone

Pendant and earring with tanzanites, from the Ad Astra collection.

In 2007, the price of high-quality tanzanites spiked, tripling its value, and has never dropped since.
In 2018 the new President of Tanzania decided to delimit the mine by building a 23 kilometer long wall to avoid smuggling. 

The clandestine market in fact caused the loss of 40% of the Tanzanites, thus causing a huge economic loss for the country. 

In fact, since then the price has been increased and it is expected that it will only rise in the coming years. Tanzania has total control of the number of stones extracted which must respond to the request only so as to be able to keep the extraction and the price constant. This allows tanzanite to retain fertile and lasting investment potential. 

Spiritually it is believed that the energy field created by tanzanite stimulates the three highest chakras by uniting "the higher mind" with intuition and communication.
Specifically, it is said that the vibration of the blue crystal typical of tanzanite can help open the fifth chakra, that of the throat, allowing a freer expression of thoughts and feelings. Not only that, it would help keep our body healthy by balancing our energy centers.

The indigo variation of the gemstone gives the energy needed to rearrange the Third Eye chakra, the center of awareness  and main regulator of the endocrine system. 

The wearer realizes he is attracting to himself the experiences that reflect the innermost desires, fears and beliefs or the images that are then rooted in the conscience. So it happens that the life you are living reflects exactly what you have thought. 

Finally we come to the fontanel, the seventh chakra, responsible for the proper functioning of the cerebral cortex and the pineal gland. It is associated with the purplish color of tanzanite and is thought to be the place where our highest forms of knowledge and spirituality reside. The gem allows us to intensify the bond that exists between our body and the universe, dreams, inspiration and destiny.  When the crown chakra, the seventh, is in perfect balance then we see things as they are, we know our position in the universe and we are imperturbable in the face of obstacles and life events.
Tanzanite tunes the heart chakra with the Third Eye by supporting the wearer to stay focused on compassion and understanding of the other.

Tanzanite stone of the month, Tanzanite, December gemstone

Pendant from the Masterpieces collection made with tanzanite and diamonds.

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